How does it work?

1. 認識自我戀愛風格
2. 匹配合適對象
有質素的對話,勝過無止境的 Swipe!
EVOL 會根據心理學及性格測試報告,從眾多用戶中為你篩選性格和價值觀都匹配的高質約會對象,讓你安心與人交流,毋需再盲目右滑左滑。
3. 告別尷尬 真誠交流
使用交友APPS時,總是不知道要如何自然地聊天?EVOL 提供大量深入話題,以抽卡遊戲的方式助你與對方開展對話,避免冷場,也讓話題不再流於表面,讓你更易找到契合的真誠對象。

A world with fewer heartbreaks, more happy-ever-afters.
在 EVOL ,您會遇見真實且美好的自己,以及欣賞您的那個他/她。您也將從新的角度認識和了解「愛情中的自己」與「您的未來伴侶」。在這趟叩問愛情靈魂的旅途,我們的專業見解會始終陪伴和支持您。

Our Vision
Our Team

Karis Ho
Org. Psychologist
Love is hard, but should it be? What if we could fall safely in love with a matching soul? Being a psychologist of my own, it is my mission to unlock the secret of the happy-ever-afters.
To me, love can be in any forms or shapes, and the ideal relationship is like building blocks. With the base of complementary qualities, the two compatible halves become more of themselves. I believe that is what love is about, to bring out the best of you and me.

Cleo Chiu
Org. Psychologist
"What is relationship to me?", “What am I looking for really?". It took me enough heartbreaks to realise it is not possible to find a truly meaningful relationship without addressing these questions. Cultivating a successful relationship is more than intimacy and feeling good, but reflection, deep level compatibility and commitment.
I wish, through EVOL, each of you will be empowered to understand more of yourself to find your compatible match and a loving relationship.
Dr. Ken Fung
PsyD. Clinical Psychologist
Ken is committed to helping individuals/ couples/families with different relationship issues including emotion and communication problems. He was named the Top 100 Healthcare Leaders by International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare (IFAH) in 2019; awarded as one of the 50 Influencers in 2020 by Hong Kong Living magazine for his voluntary work of providing online psy/emotion support, via the platform Your Relationship Clinic (YRC), to people suffering from relationship/psy problems since 2013, and later the social unrest in HK since June 2019.

Dr. On-Ting Lo
Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology
Lo is a passionate psychological educator and scientist, teaching psychology in tertiary institution and conducting academic research in mainly four areas 1) purpose and meaning in life 2) materialism and consumerism 3) design thinking and entrepreneurship education and 4) sexual satisfaction.
He is also the founder of an online psychology knowledge exchange platform 'Lo's Psychology 心理學科普平台'. One of the main missions of this initiative is to help young generations realize and actualize their life aspirations.

Amy Chan
Psychology Graduate
As a psychology graduate who is enthusiastic about the study of personality, I always believe in the importance of appreciating one’s natural beauty before knowing others. Curious about how personality leads us to find our Mr./Ms. Right, I am so glad to join EVOL for exploring more about the “love formula” behind intimate relationships. By integrating the psychology of love to cultivate more mutual understanding between the matches, I am excited to see more romantic stories happen in EVOL~!

Eva So
Psychology Graduate
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul, that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our heart and brings peace to our mind."
Sammie Tang
Psychology Graduate
UXUI Designer
Passionate about Psychology and UX, I am intrigued to create delightful user experiences and solve people’s pain points with empathy. It is interesting to see how technology brings us new
opportunities to establish love connections across physical boundaries. Love is not only about
bonding with someone, but also self-exploration.

Anthony Chan
Tech Advisor
Anthony is not only an experienced full-stack developer and software architect but also a lead for several start-ups. He has been involved with Altcoin Fantasy (Vancouver, BC), HKT BizWiFi, Foodpanda Corporate Hong Kong, and many more.

Samual Chan
Software Engineer
Act as a full stack developer and entrepreneur of his own, Samuel is driven to apply innovative technology in software development. He has developed more than 10+ mobile apps with reward-winning reputation.

Esmond Wong
Software Engineer
With the passion in creating technology products that make the world a better place, Esmond is dedicated to optimise the User Experience and User Interface in EVOL. Coupled with his hands-on experience in software and server development, he oversees the app maintenance and enhancement.